Nursery Progess


Being that my little one came before his time I’m still working on his nursery. My mother also wanted me to wait until she got here so we would be able to do something together. The theme of his nursery is Dr. Seuss but mainly my husband and I are going to focus on Cat In The Hat, Thing 1, and Thing 2. So far we have all the furniture and his wall is painted. I have so much left to do and plenty of projects to finish.


We have most of his bedding there is one more thing on its way to us. I couldn’t find any Dr. Seuss bedding online that I like so I got everything from If you’re not familiar with this website it’s like eBay but everything is handmade. His changing pad comes from Taramcwilliams and his blanket comes from Ruffleokate. I’m waiting on his rail, pictures, letters, and other small decor to get here. I hope everything gets here before my mom arrives because we have a lot to do.




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