Happy 3 Months Tristan

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Hello, My Beauties!!

Time is flying by and my little one is 3 months. He surprises me every day with something new. Tristan is no longer this little baby who just stares at you lol now he is starting to talk and coo. He enjoys listening to his dad whistle and watching me act crazy. Lately, Snuggling with his blanket seems to be his favorite thing to do.

I’m really enjoying being a stay-at-home mom because I get to see how he progresses socially, cognitively, and physically. Being that I majored in Early Childhood Education in college I have tons of activities we have started and plenty in store as he grows older. We’ve already attended his 2-month check-up and he has received those painful shots. At his appointment, he weighed in at 13 lbs and 6 oz. As of right now, I’m not very sure of his weight but I’m pretty sure he is close to 17 lbs.

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I never understood what Mama was talking about when she told me boys are greedy lol I do now. I’m so happy that he is gaining weight but on the other hand, he skipped 0-3 months size. Soo… I’m currently re-grouping his wardrobe. Be on the lookout for his nursery update and also a DIY project.

Here are some pictures from his 2-month photo session

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