Tristan Fashion


My Little Misfit

I cannot believe I have completely stopped taking pictures of my son. Ha-ha if you know me, I am the biggest Mamarazzi it is. Lately I have been so focused on my house and trying to prepare myself for two children. I forgot how fun it was to shoot his days at the park. Well, today I will share Tristan's outfit of the day. I enjoy dressing my son I try my hardest to dress him based on his personality or the mood he is in that day


Stripe Sunny Day

It was a sunny day here so my little family went out on the town. First, we stopped at the local thrift store to grab some goodies I just could not pass up $5 grab bags. Everything I could fit into my bag for just $5 yes ma'am. After a little shopping, we got lunch with our friends. We also got to take Tristan to the park. He enjoyed himself playing baseball with daddy and running all over the place.


Little Color blocking Handyman

My handyman went to work in style today. We attended one of my friend's baby shower. We can not wait to meet Ms. Piper. He had a ball outside watching everyone chat and play games. Notice that in every picture I will post he is in motion hehe. He would not stay in place since he is the master of walking now.