Tamie Q


Nursery Progess

Being that my little one came before his time I'm still working on his nursery. My mother also wanted me to wait until she got here so we would be able to do something together. The theme of his nursery is Dr. Seuss but mainly my husband and I are going to focus on Cat In The Hat, Thing 1, and Thing 2. So far we have all the furniture and his wall is painted. I have so much left to do and plenty of projects to finish.


Birth Story

September 23, 2013, at 4:29 AM I gave birth to my son Tristan Daniel S. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and 17in long. I went into Labor and Delivery on September 22nd at 3 something that evening. The nurse checked me and my cervix didn't change from the last time. I was very upset being I've been in pre-labor for over 2 weeks and were stuck at 3cm. They gave me the option to go walk for an hour and I did the total opposite. My husband took me to the store to get a subway and cookies lol.


Tiffany Blue Baby Shower

Hello everyone This past Saturday I had my baby shower. It was so nice and blue. If you're not familiar with Tiffany Blue it's a very nice soft blue that everyone is in love with. I'm obsessed with Audrey Hepburn she is famous for Breakfast at Tiffany's. With help from some of the wives here on base, we put together a great shower. My cake was made by Haley J Cake's you can find her on Facebook. She did an amazing job.


31 Weeks

Hello, everyone, It's been a while since you heard from me and I'm sorry. I've been very busy trying to get everything together for our little bundle of joy. My husband and I both agreed on the name Tristan Daniel. The "T" Is something that's traditional in my family and Daniel is my husband's first name. After three months I agreed on the Nautical theme but my husband dislikes the idea of having Yellow in his room. So, after three weeks of picking his brain, I got him to agree on Dr. Seuss.


We're Pregnant

Hello everyone I apologize for everything I'm BACK!!! A few months ago my husband and I discovered we will be adding an adding on to the family. He will arrive on October 7, 2013, unless he is willing to show his face earlier lol. I've been dealing with all-day sickness and having no energy. I feel bad about losing focus on my blog and giving up on my goals. I'm gaining back my energy and the sickness is going away. I hope you missed me because I missed you guys dearly.