

My Maternity Session

Hello, Beauties !! I know it's been ages, but I have been super busy with my family. I told myself that I would prepare a lot of content before my little one arrives but he surprised us and arrived early. I will make sure I post the birth story, but enough about that let’s talk about my amazing experience with Ginamarie photography. I was on Facebook one day and came across a post of a photographer looking for a model to do some maternity session.


Finding Myself

Good Day Beauties I know once again, I've gone MIA, but It was for the good. I've been trying to re-find myself and figure out what I really want to do in life. Everyone knows when you become a wife and mother your life gets put on hold to take care of your family. Your "To-Do list" goes on and on but you're not on it. I was having trouble focusing on what I wanted in life and began to question do I love blogging and fashion.