Tamie Q


Stripe Sunny Day

It was a sunny day here so my little family went out on the town. First, we stopped at the local thrift store to grab some goodies I just could not pass up $5 grab bags. Everything I could fit into my bag for just $5 yes ma'am. After a little shopping, we got lunch with our friends. We also got to take Tristan to the park. He enjoyed himself playing baseball with daddy and running all over the place.


Little Color blocking Handyman

My handyman went to work in style today. We attended one of my friend's baby shower. We can not wait to meet Ms. Piper. He had a ball outside watching everyone chat and play games. Notice that in every picture I will post he is in motion hehe. He would not stay in place since he is the master of walking now.


Tristan Got A Makeover At 11 Months

A bittersweet day Why? Because my son got his 1st haircut and he is officially one month away from being a big boy. I guess my husband woke up and was like "Okay today I'm going to cut my son's hair." I cried seeing all his hair on the floor. I was against cutting his hair because it's what I thought made him 'him'. I was wrong, seeing that bright smile and those chubby cheeks changed my mind.


Traveling with a 7-Month-Old: Our Family Vacation and Milestones

Good Day My Beauties!!! I know it's been a while since I have posted but I've been on vacation and trying to settle back into my regular schedule. Tristan Is finally 8 months and it doesn't even seem like it. Time is going by so fast and I wish it would just slow down. We traveled back to the states to visit family. When we left Japan when he was 5 months and he did amazing on the plane ride there.


Farmer Chic

We are back in the states and I have a reason to dress up. It’s been a while since I even cared about how my hair looks let alone my outfit. My style is starting to change but I’m loving it. I thought after becoming a mom I would stop wearing Crop Tops but nah… I love them.


Tristan’s 5 Month Update

Little Daniel turned 5 months Today. Yay!!! I can sum this month up with one word "Active." He is no longer this calm baby I knew a few weeks ago. He grabs and pulls everything it doesn't matter what it is. We are now at the stage where everything is food lol. No matter what is in his hand, it's a snack for him. He keeps me on my toes I don't think I'm ready for him to crawl.


Happy 3 Months Tristan

Time is flying by and my little one is 3 months. He surprises me every day with something new. Tristan is no longer this little baby who just stares at you lol now he is starting to talk and coo. He enjoys listening to his dad whistle and watching me act crazy. Lately, Snuggling with his blanket seems to be his favorite thing to do. I'm really enjoying being a stay-at-home mom because I get to see how he progresses socially, cognitively, and physically.


Happy One Month

Good Day My Beauties =) I know time is going by so fast... My baby boy is one month today I can't believe it. He has changed so much since September. He no longer looks like me his looks just like his dad. The only thing that comes for me and my side of the family would be his eyes and his lips. My family is known for its big eyes. The last time he got weighed he was at 8lbs and 9oz and 20in long.