

Labor and Delivery Story ( Baby #2 )

Good Day Beauties how have you been? I have been doing pretty well. Enjoying the company of my mom and getting used to being a mother of two. It has been four weeks since giving birth to my little one and I think it is time to share the story. It is very long. so once again grab your coffee, tea, or water and I hope you enjoy it. February 9th around 8:30 I begin to have mild contractions but did not think that much about them. Why?


My Maternity Session

Hello, Beauties !! I know it's been ages, but I have been super busy with my family. I told myself that I would prepare a lot of content before my little one arrives but he surprised us and arrived early. I will make sure I post the birth story, but enough about that let’s talk about my amazing experience with Ginamarie photography. I was on Facebook one day and came across a post of a photographer looking for a model to do some maternity session.


33 Weeks Update

Hello Beauties !!! I am finally in my last trimester and I was not ready for this. All of my old symptoms are coming back. I get sick every night at the same time, so it is no need to eat dinner. (but I eat late-night snacks ha-ha) I also sweat a lot OMG yuck, I know but I am always hot. I feel like Caleb is giving me all the signs that he will arrive early. I have had two scares since my last update.


A Journey to 28 Weeks

Hello, Beauties !! I miss you all so much and I am sorry for going ghost, but The past two months have been a nightmare for me. I did not have the energy or time to make any blog posts. It has been five weeks since my last update and I know I have a lot to cover so get your tea/coffee and tissues.


Pregnancy Weight Gain

Everyone says the second time around you gain the most weight, but it has been the total opposite for me. I don't weigh as much as I did with Tristan. I just feel heavier I know that may sound strange ha-ha. This whole pregnancy, I knew I would gain 50-60 lbs because with my first son I gained 40-50 lbs. I started out at 103 before this pregnancy now I'm currently at 123 and I am 28 weeks.


23 Weeks Update + Gender/Name Reveal

Today makes 23 weeks and 1 day I am officially over the halfway mark. I must say this is going way faster the second time around. I still do not feel like I am pregnant because this pregnancy is so smooth. I do not get sick and can eat whatever I want. Well, not everything because I would love some American Chinese food, Captain D's, and Zaxby's right now. I'm unsure about my weight because I'm scared to check it but I need to.


Gender-Predicting Old Wives’ Tales

Hello, Beauties!! I thought this would be a fun post to do since next week we find out the sex of Tater. I can not wait to start on the nursery and shop. Everyone I talk to tell me I'm having a girl. My mother and mother-in-law would like a girl and my husband would like a boy. I personally would like a girl because the house would be even 2 boys / 2 girls, but with my luck, it will be another mama's boy.


And then there was four ….

Hello, Beauties!!! I think it is time to share this wonderful news with my blog family. We're Pregnant with baby #2. I have been talking about this with my husband for the past year, but he always tells me "we need to wait". I was so ready to get my family out of the way because I grew up with older brothers and we are 6 years apart. I would like Tristan and his sibling to interact with one another.


Birth Story

September 23, 2013, at 4:29 AM I gave birth to my son Tristan Daniel S. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and 17in long. I went into Labor and Delivery on September 22nd at 3 something that evening. The nurse checked me and my cervix didn't change from the last time. I was very upset being I've been in pre-labor for over 2 weeks and were stuck at 3cm. They gave me the option to go walk for an hour and I did the total opposite. My husband took me to the store to get a subway and cookies lol.


Tiffany Blue Baby Shower

Hello everyone This past Saturday I had my baby shower. It was so nice and blue. If you're not familiar with Tiffany Blue it's a very nice soft blue that everyone is in love with. I'm obsessed with Audrey Hepburn she is famous for Breakfast at Tiffany's. With help from some of the wives here on base, we put together a great shower. My cake was made by Haley J Cake's you can find her on Facebook. She did an amazing job.